
A puzzle game made for Amiya Aranha's Bucko Jam 2024. This was quite the small journey for me, from learning Godot Engine to creating assets and making a complete game using it all. Now that it's done and the silly idea I had is a complete game, I hope you enjoy the results.


Ami's Buckos are being forced volunteering to play a game for her amusement. Their goal is to keep the strange room they're in free of the blocks she's magically conjuring from just off-screen. To accomplish this, they must use their never-before-seen ability to turn into a block themselves! Clear blocks by using a Bucko block to form a group of three or more in a cardinal direction (up, down, left and right). Don't let the room fill up, or it's Game Over, bucko!


Move Left and Right: Arrow Keys

Turn into Block: X

Swap to Next Bucko: Z

Pause Game: Q


  • Buckos are awful jumpers, but excellent climbers! Walk into a wall or block to climb it.
  • Blocks don't need to touch the ground to be cleared. Go for those aerial clears!
  • Pay attention to the color of the Next Bucko on the side of the screen. Use it to plan your next move.
  • Most people believe that Buckos aren't worth many points, but in fact they're completely pointless! Clearing their blocks only frees up space.
  • On the other hand, bonuses are awarded for clearing four or more regular blocks at once, making some good points!
  • Both Amiya and Bucko's can't create blocks by the windows at the top of the room. Don't even try it.


Game and Assets by: TexasTea

Bucko Jam host and Voice Clip provider: Amiya Aranha (Youtube)

Game Engine: Godot Engine 4.2

Game Font: Open Sans (Google)

Based on Amiya and her Buckos (Bucko Love!)

(Since this a game jam title, expect no updates or bug fixes unless they're really needed.)

Published 2 days ago
Made withGodot
TagsPixel Art
Average sessionA few minutes


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Cool block game concept, enjoyed the music as well.

this is a very cool and unique idea for a block puzzle game, i don't think i've seen a twist quite like this on this type of game before, very nice work

This is excellent, I'm super impressed that this was your first Godot game, and it's fun too! I am still learning it myself so I can appreciate the amount of effort it must have taken.